Ghṛta ~ Ghee

Ghṛta or Ghee originated in ancient India and is considered the crown jewel of Ayurvedic medicine. Ghee is made from unsalted butter and during the cooking process milk solids including caseine, whey and lactose are boiled off. The result is a golden, pure substance devoid of milk proteins or sugars which are the main cause for inflammation, allergies or weight gain. Ghee contains a combination of heart-healthy fatty acids and is one of the worlds best cooking oils with a flash point at 485F/252C.

Ghee is also the highest known food source of butyric acid, which is the primary fuel for our body. According to some data, scientists discovered that microbes (Clostridium butyricum) in our gut are able to produce butyric acid and basically make their own Ghee.

Benefits of Ghee include digestive help, support of the gastrointestinal mucosa, regulates bowel functions, increases energy production, reduces fatty tissue, reduces hunger levels, supports healthy levels of good cholesterol, etc.

In Ayurveda, Ghee is used as the primary cooking oil and is a staple in Ayurvedic cleanses. It aids in balancing all three doshas (bodily constitutions), promotes the healing of skin, and is especially lubricating for the intestinal tract and a carrier-oil that penetrates all sapta dhatus (seven layers of tissue). Ghee enkindles agni (digestive fire), enhances flavors of food and stimulates the digestion. 

Ghee is medicine and GLÂNZ Ghee is made with love and the most heart-felt gratitude to all my teachers and the tradition they instilled in me.

Dear Ghee and Schmear Lovers,

GLÂNZ Ghee is made by hand in very small batches. None of our production processes are automatized or outsourced. GLÂNZ is a small, woman-owned and woman-run business and I hope that the quality of our product speaks for itself. I appreciate that you made the conscious decision to support us.

With gratitude,